What is a fake loading screen in an video game? (Explain In Short)

What is a Fake Loading screen in video games

What is a fake loading screen in an video game?

(Explain In Short)

A fake loading screen is a common video game element that serves to deceive the player into thinking the game is loading assets, when in reality it is not. There are many reasons why developers might include a fake loading screen in their game. For example, fake loading screens can be used to display something for a set amount of time, such as text for the player to read or process. In other cases, a fake loading screen may be part of the gameplay or story, such as when a game is taking place within another game. Finally, some developers use fake loading screens to show ads.

Whatever the reason for its inclusion, a fake loading screen often denotes that the game environment is not fully rendered and the player may be able to play the game before the full scene is loaded. However, by making the player wait a bit longer, the game can appear more seamless and polished.